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  • Tags: Chapbook Genre: religion & morals
This is a single poem with no title page that puts forward the argument that child baptism, practiced by most churches at this time, is without scriptural confirmation and should not be practiced; instead it suggests to its readers that they should…
The chapbook is a print edition of a letter originally submitted for publication to the editor of the Aberdeen Free Press in response to a piece written by Mr. Burnett in that newspaper on July 29th. An inscription on the opening page indicates that…
This chapbook seeks to prove the heretical nature of the teachings of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. Presented in four section, the author systematically provides excerpts from the writings of the Plymouth Brethren (with page numbers) and…

A brief review of many different religions practiced at this time with a focus on the different sects of Christianity. Paganism, Deism, Atheism, Judaism, and Islam are also covered in addition to the various Christian religions, but the sects of…
A sermon on Genesis ii. 18: And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone: I will make him a help-meet for him. The preacher breaks up the passage into smaller phrases and deals with them individually, extolling the many virtues…
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