Evolution of Fairy Tales
This section examines the evolution of fairytales and how they have changed from the original Brothers Grimm to the Current Disney renditions. The exhibit features four different fairytales, The Life and Adventures of Robin Hood, History of the Sleeping Beauty in the Wood, The Story of the Little White Mouse, and the History of Cinderella. While this exhibit will not be an in-depth analysis of the transition, it will provide sources and additional information on how to research on the subject matter. Chapbooks are just one of the many stages surrounding the changes that took place in regards to fairytales. The following is an attempt to better understand, how fairytales and folklore found in the chapbooks were viewed and used, specifically by children. Originally fairy tales were not meant to provide children with unrealistic ideals and dreams about 'prince charming' or ' living happily ever after', but were meant to teach children about the evils and dangers of every day life. The following four fairy tales are examples of a more accurate version or original story of the original Brothers Grimm tales. In addition, we will also address the changes done by Walt Disney in relation to added drama and suspenseful events.