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  • Tags: Chapbook Date: 1871-1880

Woodcut  illustration on title-page  of a bird perched on a single branch.
A young Lowland McFarlane woman falls in love with her cousin, the son of a dispossessed Jacobite Highland lord of clan who has been raised and maintained by her father as his ward. Despite his poverty, Grigor is well-educated, good-looking, and in…
A diatribe against the current changes and construction going in the Auld West Kirk in Aberdeen. Several officials are satirically lampooned, as are the physical changes being made to the kirk. In addition, several recent publications/chapbooks also…
This chapbook includes a tragic ballad of the Earl of Leslie, who falls in love and marries a young woman of lowly birth. When the King goes to war against the English who are raiding across the border, Leslie attends him and wins honour on the…
Two songs about love. The first is the story of the love between a Highland lad and a Lowland girl. The girls’ father is against the match and disinherits her when she decides she runs off with him. In the beginning, it looks like she has made the…
A collection of songs and ballads. In the first ballad, the youngest daughter of the Duke of Gordon goes to visit Aberdeen with her sisters and ends up marrying a handsome but poor captain without her father’s consent. When the Duke finds out, he…
The chapbook is a print edition of a letter originally submitted for publication to the editor of the Aberdeen Free Press in response to a piece written by Mr. Burnett in that newspaper on July 29th. An inscription on the opening page indicates that…
A diatribe against certain recent rulings and individuals who have been in charge of making decision regarding church reforms, construction, and the movement of seats within the ‘Auld West Kirk’. Certain individuals are lampooned, as are the changes…
A collection of four ballads, mostly humorous. The first is a satirical ballad about a local figure named Auld Ronald who appears to be well-known around Aberdeen. He is humorously portrayed as scantily clad, poor, and possibly a bit crazy, although…
The chapbook begins with a “Publisher’s Preface” describing the evils intemperance and alcohol in this troubled time, and supporting the author in his desire for a society governed by temperance and the absence of drink. In the verses of the…
This song is a political action piece written to urge the population and politicians of Aberdeen to build a bridge to the district of Torry within the city following a ferry disaster which killed 32 people. Ferries and boats had previously been the…
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