The Little Couple, To which are added, O that I ne'er had been married. All the months of the year. Celia's Praise. If I should get laughing at that.
The Little Couple, To which are added, O that I ne'er had been married. All the months of the year. Celia's Praise. If I should get laughing at that.
Alternative Title
O that I ne'er had been married.
All the months of the year. Celia's Praise.
If I should get laughing at that.
Glasgow: Printed by J. & M. Robertson
8 pages
15 cm
A collection of short ballads and songs on a variety of topics. The first is a short song describing the playful exchange between a little man and a little woman, and how he convinces her to marry him. The second is a humorous account of a marital quarrel, overheard by a young bachelor, in which the wife accuses her husband of being a lazy, whoring layabout who never gives her enough money to feed the children, while he accuses her of cuckolding him with the tailor while he was away at sea. The dispute escalates into a full out brawl by the end of the song, with both bewailing the fact that they ever had been married, which serves to justify the wishes of the eavesdropping bachelor to avoid such a state himself. The next song compares each decade in a man’s life, from conception to death, with the progressive months of the year, followed by a song describing and praising the beauty and charms of the girl loved by the author. The final song cheerfully depicts a young woman who is fond of laughing and is courted by a young man to whom she is inclined to accept. However, she amuses herself by imagining herself laughing in church when she must pledge to “Obey” her husband. (8)
Ballads and songs
Courtship and Marriage
Chapbooks - Scotland - Glasgow
Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph Library, Guelph, Ontario
Is Referenced By
JPEGs and PDF derived from master file, which was scanned from the original book in 24-bit color at 600 dpi in TIFF format using an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner.
In the public domain; For high quality reproductions, contact Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph., 519-824-4120, Ext. 53413
Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph Library, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
“The Little Couple, To which are added, O that I ne'er had been married. All the months of the year. Celia's Praise. If I should get laughing at that.,” Scottish Chapbooks, accessed March 5, 2025,