Seven popular songs. The lily of France. Blue bonnets over the border. The light of other days. When bless'd with love and you. Judy Magrath. The bloom is on the rye. Rory O'More.

Woodcut on title-page portraying a young woman (milkmaid?) wearing a hat and carrying two buckets slung over hoops encircling her skirt


Seven popular songs. The lily of France. Blue bonnets over the border. The light of other days. When bless'd with love and you. Judy Magrath. The bloom is on the rye. Rory O'More.

Alternative Title

The lily of France.
Blue bonnets over the border.
The light of other days.
When bless'd with love and you.
Judy Magrath.
The bloom is on the rye.
Rory O'More.


Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers


1840-1850 per National Library of Scotland


8 pages
16 cm



'41' is printed at the bottom of the title page
Woodcut #38: Illustration on title-page of a milkmaid carrying two buckets


ballads & songs


A collection of songs and ballads on a variety of themes, including: a call to young Scots men to join the militia and fight in defense of Queen and Scotland; a young man woos his love and is overjoyed to hear her acceptance of his proposal; the beauty of Judy Magrath is humorously compared to various food items as a description of her appeal to her lover; a love song asking a lover to meet following the seasons when the bloom is on the rye; a comparison of the various flowers and emblems of France, Ireland, Britain and Scotland, describing with nationalistic pride the virtues of the Scottish thistle and history; a sad lament for days and joys past, compared to the fading of leaves and in the face of winter; and an Irish rogue shows his affection by teasing, fighting, drinking, and kissing.


Courtship and Marriage
Chapbooks - Scotland - Glasgow


Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph Library, Guelph, Ontario

Is Referenced By

National Library of Scotland


JPEGs and PDF derived from master file, which was scanned from the original book in 24-bit color at 600 dpi in TIFF format using an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner.


In public domain; For higher quality reproductions, contact Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph. 519-824-4120, Ext. 53413




Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph Library, Guelph, Ontario, Canada


“Seven popular songs. The lily of France. Blue bonnets over the border. The light of other days. When bless'd with love and you. Judy Magrath. The bloom is on the rye. Rory O'More.,” Scottish Chapbooks, accessed March 6, 2025,


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