The Berkshire Lady's garland. In four parts. I. Cupid's conquest over a coy lady of five thousand a-year, &c. II. The lady's letter of a challenge to fight him upon refusing to wed her in a mask without knowing who she was. III. How they met by appointment in a grove, where she obliged him to fight or wed her. IV. How they rode together in her gilded coach to her noble seat or castle, &c.


Woodcut portraying a young woman with a basket on her lap, sitting in front of a door


The Berkshire Lady's garland. In four parts. I. Cupid's conquest over a coy lady of five thousand a-year, &c. II. The lady's letter of a challenge to fight him upon refusing to wed her in a mask without knowing who she was. III. How they met by appointment in a grove, where she obliged him to fight or wed her. IV. How they rode together in her gilded coach to her noble seat or castle, &c.


Glasgow: Printed for the Booksellers


1840-1850 per University of Glasgow Union Catalogue of Scottish Chapbooks


8 pages
16 cm



'26' is printed at the bottom of the title page
Woodcut # Illustration of a young woman with a basket on her lap, sitting in front of a door.


ballads & songs


A ballad in four parts that tells the tale of an heiress who is beautiful and rich and pursued by many, but is pleased by none of them. She eventually falls in love, in spite of herself, with a young lawyer, and she resolves to marry him, but also decides to first punish him a little for making her languish in love with him. She sends him an anonymous challenge to duel in a grove. When he arrives, she is masked and tells him he must fight her or marry her, without knowing who she is (she even has her rapier ready). On the advice of a friend, he decides to marry her and she takes him to the church, still masked, where they are married. Then she brings him home to her castle and leaves him to sit in the parlor for hours before she finally comes down, unmasked and beautifully attired, and demands to know who he is and why he is sitting in her parlor. He admits he was brought here by a young lady, and she in turn admits that it was herself. They spend the rest of their life blessed by love and wealth.


Reading, Berkshire, England


Courtship and Marriage
Chapbooks - Scotland - Glasgow


Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph Library, Guelph, Ontario

Accrual Method

Purchased through the Jane Grier Family Trust. 2012

Is Referenced By

University of Glasgow Union Catalogue of Scottish Chapbooks


JPEGs and PDF derived from master file, which was scanned from the original book in 24-bit color at 600 dpi in TIFF format using an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner.


In the public domain; For high quality reproductions, contact Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph 519-824-4120 Ext 53413


Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph Library, Guelph, Ontario, Canada


“The Berkshire Lady's garland. In four parts. I. Cupid's conquest over a coy lady of five thousand a-year, &c. II. The lady's letter of a challenge to fight him upon refusing to wed her in a mask without knowing who she was. III. How they met by appointment in a grove, where she obliged him to fight or wed her. IV. How they rode together in her gilded coach to her noble seat or castle, &c.,” Scottish Chapbooks, accessed March 9, 2025,


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