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An exposition on economic policy, political reform, the benefits of teetotaling, which is presented as a dialogue between two rustic men as an appeal to the common people. It dwells at some length on the evils of drinking and the benefits that…

A short history and biography of Sir James Douglas, also known as the Good Lord James and as the Black Douglas, focusing especially on his many exploits against the English in the First War of Scottish Independence, as well as his journey to bring…
This is a single poem with no title page that puts forward the argument that child baptism, practiced by most churches at this time, is without scriptural confirmation and should not be practiced; instead it suggests to its readers that they should…
This chapbook seeks to prove the heretical nature of the teachings of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. Presented in four section, the author systematically provides excerpts from the writings of the Plymouth Brethren (with page numbers) and…
This chapbook includes a tragic ballad of the Earl of Leslie, who falls in love and marries a young woman of lowly birth. When the King goes to war against the English who are raiding across the border, Leslie attends him and wins honour on the…
The chapbook is a print edition of a letter originally submitted for publication to the editor of the Aberdeen Free Press in response to a piece written by Mr. Burnett in that newspaper on July 29th. An inscription on the opening page indicates that…
A satirical and allegorical story of a knight and his squire who go on a pilgrimage to the Highlands in order to free them from the dread giant of Orthodoxy. The two heretical figures, clad in the armor of ‘heresy’ and Arian and Unitarian faith…
This is an interesting chapbook in that it contains songs within a larger ballad narrative describing the events, food, and music played at a Christmas celebration. The chapbook begins with a short little rhyme on the theme of Christmas, introducing…
A collection of four ballads, mostly humorous. The first is a satirical ballad about a local figure named Auld Ronald who appears to be well-known around Aberdeen. He is humorously portrayed as scantily clad, poor, and possibly a bit crazy, although…
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