Woodcut 086: Title-page illustration in a double ruled border of a dog barking at a figure (gender unknown), carrying a basket. Outdoor scene.


Woodcut 086: Title-page illustration in a double ruled border of a dog barking at a figure (gender unknown), carrying a basket. Outdoor scene.

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9 Love Songs: The lea-rig Auld Rob Morris My Highland home I'll love thee ever dearly My heart is sair for somebody See the ship How long and dreary is the night My wife's a winsome wee thing
Woodcut #86: Illustration on title-page of a dog barking at a figure (gender unknown), who is carrying a basket in an outdoor scene.

4 Scots Songs. Hibernia's lovely Jane. Death of Sally Roy. The Soldier's dream. The birken tree.
Woodcut # 86: Illustration on title-page of a dog barking at a figure (gender unknow), who is carrying a basket in an outdoor scene.
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